Tuesday, October 7, 2008



I added a new gadget to the page, today. "Discography" was an idea that I thought of late last night, as I continued to think about David Shulman's stories... It often happens that something I read or see or experience reminds me of a song, as was the case last night.

Songs in particular, and music in general, provide me with ways of gleaning understanding out of the experiences of life. I think that they also (in some cases) help me in my understanding of who, what, where and when God is. So, the first three titles I've offered remind me of God's presence in the midst of turmoil and confusion, conflict and despair. The lyrics of the songs at their minimum, whisper of the hope that is often difficult to see in such times; I believe that the words challenge us to look beyond the moment and recognize the fragility of life. My own hope then, is that in recognizing this fragility, we will also recognize the sacredness of life, all life, and in that sacredness, recognize the Holy.

"Turn on all the lights inside your heart!"


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