Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Counting Down


Time is rolling on and as November 18th approaches I experience these surreal moments of, "Wow! This is really happening!"

Though there are still things to focus on as preparations continue, I have these indescribable moments where the reality seems, well, unreal. That my life's journey has brought me to this place is excitingly hard to believe. It's like one of those not-in-a-million-years kind of things where I don't believe I could have planned this...

Yet, here I am, poised to journey to the Holy Land and all of the uncertainties that such a journey, in this day and age, has to offer.

There are a lot of people in my web of connections, who are excited for me. And, much like the excitement that I feel, I am hearing them express anxiety and joy about what this journey might hold in store. It makes me wonder about how the North American/Western Hemisphere lifestyle is one that finds stability and meaning in comfort, contentment and security. What I mean is that, in my context, people seemed to be bred to the rhythm of a society that isn't very flexible, to say nothing about its inability to be spontaneous.

For the people living in a different culture, with different norms and values, I have a sense that there might be a firmer grasp on the reality of the Holy; where life is more natural and less artificial, that's where the mystery of creation and the Creator lie... This reminds me of Beguine spirituality and the medieval mystics who, by emptying themselves became more fully or wholly in touch with God; the Source of Life...

As the days of wondering what lies ahead for me disappear into the calendar, my best preparation is to not think or worry or plan too much. The experience will be what I need it to be, at a spiritual level likely beyond my conscious planning and plotting. Que sera, sera!


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